We provide depthful counseling for adults and adolescents. Our practice is not a garden-variety counseling clinic.

We are interested in helping you to make courageous meaning in your life. We will help you to become actively engaged with your Thoughts, your Habits, your Mind and your Life.

Any questions that may come up about us and our practice as you explore the information provided on this website, or that arise at any time during therapy, are worth asking, and we look forward to discussing them with you.

O U R   A I M   I N   T H E R A P Y   is to work together to reduce the power that old, destructive patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving have had over your life. Specifically, we will strive towards making:

Your responses to what is familiar less rigid,
Your vulnerabilities less threatening,
Your struggles less isolating,
Your challenges more tolerable,
Your sense of belonging, of home, more secure,
Your resiliency strengthened,
Your insight more keen,
Your sphere of influence expanded,
Your imagination enlivened,
Your options more varied,
And your life more vital.

P R E M I S E   The central insight of talk therapy is that humans are driven to express ourselves. We either express ourselves in words or in art, or we will be expressed through our symptoms and acting out. Each of us needs to find our expression through the specific set of constraints we are born into, as determined by our families, culture, resources and historical moment. Mindful of these constraints, we, as therapists, will help you to foster intentional awareness so that you can make more deliberate and informed choices around the shape of your consciousness, your daily habits and your life.


L O C A T I O N   Uptown Minneapolis: We are conveniently located in Uptown Minneapolis near the Lyndale-Hennepin exit on I-94. The building is just south of Franklin Avenue between Hennepin and Lyndale. (Specifically, the building is in the Lowry Hill East neighborhood of South Minneapolis near the Wedge co-op.). We provide off-street parking. And the location is easily accessible by public transportation.

F E E S   Most insurance plans accepted. Please see Fees & Policies for more information.

S C H E D U L I N G   Appointments are available weekdays (8:00am - 6:30pm). Contact us to set up an appointment.

P R I V A C Y    Be assured that all you share in any consultation or session in our offices, on the phone, or by email, will be treated as confidential. You can read more detailed information about the confidentiality policies of the profession by clicking here.

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" How do I know what I think until I’ve had a chance to hear what I have to say? "
— E.M. Forster

"Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced."
— James Baldwin

“The cure for pain is in the pain.... Don’t ignore the wound. That is where the light comes in.”
— Rumi